Friday, December 12, 2014

Cookies and drilling pizza...

Today was pretty uneventful. Went to Minot, got some groceries and headed home to bake. 
I had a pretty awesome helper for baking. I've got a few of those in this house. 
We ended the evening with 125 sugar cookies and we are heading to grandma's on Sunday to bake some more. Tomorrow is our annual cookie decorating party, which should be a good time. Who can't be excited about a sugar high?

In other news, I got to utter a phrase I never thought I would ever have to say:
"McCoy, don't drill your pizza."
Apparently this is the only way he will eat.  Needless to say, he would only eat his cheese pizza with the actual cheese peeled off and the crust had to be sprinkled with sprinkle cheese (Parmesan). Oh, and it had to be brought to his mouth with his toy drill. His eating is a daily fight/adventure. 

Well, goodnight world. I have a busy day of cookie decorating ahead of me. 

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