Thursday, December 11, 2014

Because sometimes marshmallows for breakfast is necessary...

I have a little boy who is 2 years old. He's spunky, very busy and very skinny. He isn't really a picky eater... He just knows what he likes and it changes from day to day. For instance, last night he wouldn't eat his hotdish, but he ate my sautéed green peppers and onions. This morning, I poured him a bowl of Trix cereal and he promptly turned around, walked to the trash and dumped it. His aim is terrible so half of it ended up on the floor. Normally, he cheers when I give him Trix. Ugh. So, I finally got him to eat yogurt. Well, go-gurt. But it had to be poured out of the tube into a bowl. He did actually eat it but then he went to the pantry and pulled out the marshmallows. Oy. At 9 am. But, sometimes, marshmallows for breakfast is ok.

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