Monday, December 22, 2014

Shots, pampering and holding hands...

We've been such a busy little family! I've been baking for what seems like forever. But, I can now say I am done. What a relief! Now I just need to make the goody trays and get them OUT of my house. 

We weren't home all weekend. Trapper had shots on Friday. He's a very healthy baby boy. At four months he weighs in at 15lbs 3oz and is a little shorty at 24 inches long. He was a happy boy too, up until his shots. 

He cried, I cried... Then we went and had lunch at the kids' favorite place, the Royal  Fork. We are so sad that it's closing. Evie was eating and kept saying, "this just isn't fair." No, my dear, it isn't. 

After lunch, we braved the mall to finish Christmas shopping. Oy. I'm so glad we finished on Friday. We drove by the mall on Saturday because I bought the wrong size pajamas for McCoy, and we kept on driving. Holy nightmare!

Speaking of Saturday, momma went and got pampered. I got my hair colored and cut. It's always a 3 hour process for my mop but I love the end result. The experience always starts off a bit scary.
I told my lovely hairdresser, Nicole, I wanted something different, fun and a little wild. Well, after sitting for a couple hours, this is what we got. 
The purple will fade to the lavender we were going for after a few washes. And no, Vikings fan I am NOT. 

We finished our lovely weekend off with some much needed family time at my parents' house. I love getting to sit and talk with my folks about Christmases past. So many fun memories. We laughed and we cried. It was a beautiful evening and I can't wait until Christmas. The only one missing will be Matthew. He has to work the holiday. I'm a little bummed but it could be so much worse. 

And finally, what would this blog be without a little Evie/bathroom humor? I had to use the bathroom and (I will keep this as clean as possible) it was a rather painful tummy experience. Since my children can't respect anyone's privacy, Evie burst into the bathroom. I must have had quite the look on my face because she looks at me, very concerned, and asks if I need someone to hold my hand. I politely declined. 

Well, until next time... Make sure to lock those bathroom doors. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas programs and Christmas cookies...

What a busy last couple of days. The girls had their Christmas program last night and it was wonderful. We got them all dolled up and they put on one heck of a show. 

McCoy had to get in on the action. He was so upset he couldn't wear a dress too. He even had to wear Evie's black flats today. 
He started to get bored at the program last night so he decided to cause a little mischief. He turned around in his seat and told the old man behind us to "be quiet right now!" And then turned and faced forward and laughed like a maniac. Thankfully the man thought it was just as funny. 

Today was a day of baking. I still have so much more to do. Got a pretty good head start though. 

I had bananas that were about to go to the dark side, so I made banana chocolate chip muffins. The boy who never eats actually ate three. 

Then I moved on to peanut blossoms. One of my most favorite Christmas cookies. 

And to finish off the night, I made finger cookies. So much butter. So darned tasty. 

Well, I'm off to go do some sort of face mask. After all of these shenanigans, I need to unwind. Goodnight!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sugar high!

We had such an awesomely busy weekend. Saturday we had a cookie decorating party. We had seven kids decorating cookies and three four month ms babies at my house this weekend. Fun was had by all... and perhaps diabetes. 

Trapper was gifted a Packers teddy bear. He loves it, even after a pitiful performance by our team. 

Today was just as fun. The kids and I went to grandma and grandpa's for more cookie fun and snuggles. Evie loves to help grandma Teresa. 

I love this holiday tradition of baking with my mom. Not only have I gained a love of baking, but I've gained an amazing relationship with my momma. She's my best friend. Who else can you talk to about pecans looking similar to inappropriate body parts other than your best friend?! We had many laughs and there was only one bloody moment: McCoy tried to take a bite out of the dining room table and chomped his lip instead. 

Well, good night, all! I have a teething four month old who needs to nurse. God help me. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Cookies and drilling pizza...

Today was pretty uneventful. Went to Minot, got some groceries and headed home to bake. 
I had a pretty awesome helper for baking. I've got a few of those in this house. 
We ended the evening with 125 sugar cookies and we are heading to grandma's on Sunday to bake some more. Tomorrow is our annual cookie decorating party, which should be a good time. Who can't be excited about a sugar high?

In other news, I got to utter a phrase I never thought I would ever have to say:
"McCoy, don't drill your pizza."
Apparently this is the only way he will eat.  Needless to say, he would only eat his cheese pizza with the actual cheese peeled off and the crust had to be sprinkled with sprinkle cheese (Parmesan). Oh, and it had to be brought to his mouth with his toy drill. His eating is a daily fight/adventure. 

Well, goodnight world. I have a busy day of cookie decorating ahead of me. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cookies, pirates and toilet bananas.

A very busy day in the Kielman house. Evie and I made cookies this afternoon. We have a cookie decorating party we are hosting this weekend so we had to get baking. Saturday approaches. I'm only half done. These are some of the easiest cookies to make. Ever. 

Evie told me she was Captain Hook. Quite the imagination and helper.
She made something other than cookies today too. She called me into the bathroom because she claimed to have made a banana. It was a turd. In the toilet. And yes, it definitely looked like a little banana. And no, I did not take a picture. You're welcome. 

Because sometimes marshmallows for breakfast is necessary...

I have a little boy who is 2 years old. He's spunky, very busy and very skinny. He isn't really a picky eater... He just knows what he likes and it changes from day to day. For instance, last night he wouldn't eat his hotdish, but he ate my sautéed green peppers and onions. This morning, I poured him a bowl of Trix cereal and he promptly turned around, walked to the trash and dumped it. His aim is terrible so half of it ended up on the floor. Normally, he cheers when I give him Trix. Ugh. So, I finally got him to eat yogurt. Well, go-gurt. But it had to be poured out of the tube into a bowl. He did actually eat it but then he went to the pantry and pulled out the marshmallows. Oy. At 9 am. But, sometimes, marshmallows for breakfast is ok.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The many faces of Evolet...

Evie the movie star...
Evie as Elton John...
Evie not appreciating her privacy being invaded....
Evie expressing disgust because someone farted in the car... (It was probably her)
Stealthy Evie...
Evie expressing happiness...
Evie wanting to go outside in a snow storm...
Evie after doing her own hair...
Evie after trying to wipe away her face paint... And clearly unimpressed with me taking her picture. 
This kid. There are no words. She will probably be the source of 98% of the ridiculousness on this blog. 

What was I thinking?!

As the title of this post implies, I'm genuinely wondering... "What was I thinking?!" A blog?! Me?! 

This is something I've decided to do to help me share the funny, sometimes disgusting, sometimes sad, sometimes frustrating, but always memorable events in my family's everyday life. I want other people out there to know they are not alone in this crazy world we call parenting. 

I'm going to use this as my outlet. I'm a stay-at-home mom of four amazing kids. I don't get out much. I also sell Perfectly Posh pampering products, because we moms (hell, all of us) need a little pampering. These are a couple of reasons for this blog. 

So, join me for some laughs, possibly tears and hopefully some insight. Let's have fun, people!