Trapper was pretty cranky. He had just gotten shots the Friday before and was in a bit of a funk, but grandpa snuggles always make things better.
Santa brought McCoy a basketball hoop and he's been obsessed ever since.
After Christmas was over, Addi went and spent the remainder of Christmas vacation with her dad. Evie wanted to go with so badly, but I told her it would have to be another time. This is the response I got:
Trapper finally started to come around and be the "normal, smiley baby" again.
Unfortunately, this was short lived and the "serious baby" came back.
We spent New Year's Eve with my folks again, since Matt had to work. We played games with friends and the kids played with their friends. Evie had a sleepover with the Heller family.
The Sunday after the holiday, we went back to my folks' place and we had a bit of an accident. McCoy was running in the kitchen and tripped, ramming his head into the fridge. I can honestly say I've never been so scared. The bump on his head was huge and appeared so fast.
Another great Coy moment, was last night. Addi had left her ski mask in the living room and McCoy kept asking what it was, so I told him it was a mask. He said it was scary, so I put it on and yelled "rawr!". (We played it out today in pictures)
He gives me a look:
And then yells "no!" and pulls the mask from my head. Makes this face:
And then says, "scary... Not. Nice." And as he's finishes saying nice, he pokes the end of my nose. It was quite funny. As you can tell, he cracks himself up.
Nice little bruise you got there, Coy boy.
We also figured out why Trap was so cranky. Someone has two teeth poking through, front and center on the bottom. This is all he would let me get.
And final funny story, my boys were laying in bed yesterday and we were talking about preschool. I told McCoy if he starts using the potty, he can probably go to school next year like Evie and Addi.
Matt countered with, "yeah, that's a really great incentive to make him potty train. I'm going to start pooping my pants again, so I don't have to work. Oops, I didn't wipe good enough, there's a skid mark, can't go to work today!"
Unfortunately for him, I explained that isn't going to fly. The boys were all unimpressed, so they continued watching cartoons, ending our discussion.
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