Monday, January 12, 2015

Football and...balls...

Another weekend has escaped me and another Monday is close to being over. Not a whole heck of a lot has been going on in my neck of the woods. Trapper has finally decided he will sit in a bumbo seat without throwing a fit:

As long as he has toys, he's a happy boy. 

We had some great friends over for football this weekend. Made some banana bread, apple cinnamon coffee cake and chicken tortilla soup... to name just a few things. 

The food was great, the company greater. I love entertaining, especially since we got the house. It's what I do, people! Probably why I decided to have a small herd of children. I will be entertaining large groups for the rest of my life. 

Sunday, our Packers played. They won, but it was kind of ugly. I told the kids they had to wear Packer gear or they had to walk to grandma's. It's a 45 minute drive, so they happily donned their green and gold. The only one willing to stay and watch the game was Trapper. Nobody likes to watch football with me because I'm "too into the game". LIES! I'm passionate. Alas, even the baby thinks I'm crazy. 

We survived the weekend without any head injuries at grandma's. That's a plus. However, after dealing with my fair share of drama today, Evie must have noticed I needed a laugh. All I hear is, "mom, look at my balls!"

She needs to stop hanging out with her dad and brothers. Where do they come up with this stuff?! 

Well, speaking of Evie, I hear WWIII going on in the girls' room over, what I'm gathering, who gets to play with naked Ken. So for now, good night while I go break up the naked Barbie dance party... yet again. 

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